Hey friends! This semester we are keeping some structured groups and allowing for some free market groups! Structured: What that looks like is a Connect Group leader hosting and facilitating a Bible-centered group at their home, a coffee shop, or a restaurant of their choice on a day of the week when we don't have service. This aims to develop relationships and strengthen our community of believers. A curriculum has been written for you that lasts 12 weeks (and an option for those wanting to meet biweekly). These lessons are structured like the old Home Friendship Groups.
Free Market: It’s simply this: two or more people, intentionally hanging out. It’s an interest group! Whether it be shopping, bowling, eating, drinking coffee, organizing, cooking, building things, painting…. YOU set the parameters, YOU decide what happens and when it happens! For instance, Golfers was a group of dads that got together and golfed; another time, there was hitched for young married. You know, Jesus had small groups and we'd be crazy if we thought we didn't need them or they aren't for us.
Genesis 2:18 says: "It is not good for man to be alone." This scripture is often used when people are officiating weddings, but it also speaks to our fundamental need to connect with others. Don’t get me wrong, there were a few times Jesus had to be alone like when he was being tempted and when he was praying in the garden (technically he wasn’t alone the disciples with him were just asleep).
Pastor has often said, “Some people need the relationship before the revelation.” The only way someone can have a relationship with you is by providing time to connect.
We can't wait to see you guys create connections this season!